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CCS Test Prep – Tips from Dr. David A. Paprota on Becoming a Law Enforcement Officer – May 11, 2016

faviconDear Future CCS Test Prep Student:

The 2016 NJCSC Law Enforcement Examination (LEE) process is quickly approaching, so it is important to understand what it takes to be a successful police, sheriff’s, or corrections officer. Over the months to come, I will be providing helpful hints to provide my future students with guidance in successfully gaining a career in law enforcement. In this segment, I would like to discuss past transgressions and both current and future behavior.

I am often asked by candidates about how negative events that occurred in their past will affect them. Unfortunately, you cannot erase some of the mistakes you have made in the past, but it is important that you have moved on, matured, and learned from those mistakes. If presented properly during a hiring process, negatives can actually become a very positive reflection upon the applicant. The key is that you personally learned from the mistake and have demonstrated exemplary behavior since then. Most commonly, the transgression involves driving issues, criminal mischief, or maybe a fight or alcohol related disturbance. The real question will be, “What have you done since then?” If you straightened your act out and moved on in a mature and respectable manner, that says something very real and positive about you. While your past behavior is the best indication of what you are likely to do in the future, you can definitely demonstrate more recent positives that best indicate who you are as a person.

With the LEE, you will be tested in part on your attitudes, character, and traits. Who are you and are you suited to be in public safety? Are you the type of person who does the right thing even when no one is looking? If you haven’t consciously done so already, now is the time to start consciously thinking about who you are and ensuring that you maintain a virtuous lifestyle that anyone can respect. Do the right things for the right reasons on a daily basis. Please do not wait for the exam or a hiring process to make the overt effort to be the best you can be as an active member of your community. It must start now!

Remember, your transgressions will most definitely be assessed and questioned during a hiring process. Distance in time will certainly help, but a clear explanation of how you learned greatly from the experience and are a better person as a result is essential. You must mean it though. So, as I said, living your life the right way starts now and cannot be just words; it must be reflected in action.

If you have not already successfully competed your registration for an upcoming CCS Test Prep seminar, I look forward to seeing you complete your registration and become a CCS Test Prep student. You can register at http://www.ccstest.com/nj-entry-level-le/.

Thank you for subscribing to the CCS Test Prep blog!

Dr. David A. Paprota, Ed.D.

By | 2016-05-11T21:58:14-04:00 May 11th, 2016|All, Articles & Information, Latest Testing News|Comments Off on CCS Test Prep – Tips from Dr. David A. Paprota on Becoming a Law Enforcement Officer – May 11, 2016

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