Written Exam Preparation West Deptford (Gloucester County, NJ) Police Department Entry-Level Written Exam |

The West Deptford PD Application Period is NOW OPEN!
The officials of the West Deptford (NJ) Police Department have announced a competitive testing process for 2020. The application process is currently available online through www.PoliceApp.com. Only the first 150 applications will be accepted. Otherwise, the deadline for the submission of applications is set as Wednesday, April 1st, 2020. The officials of the West Deptford (NJ) Police Department are using the NJSACOP to administer the exam. The original exam date has been temporarily postponed. The physical assessment is scheduled to follow the written exam and is described below. Those who put the work and commitment into their preparation and skill development are in the best position to advance in the process to get hired.
The CCS Test Prep® prep program for the West Deptford (NJ) Police Department police officer exam will begin 15 days prior to the actual exam.
This competitive written exam has proved very challenging for candidates. CCS Test Prep® offers the best, skill-development prep for this particular exam. Chief David A. Paprota, Ed.D. (Ret.) works with candidates via the CCS Test Prep® Online Learning Platform up to the day of the test which has proven to be a much more effective method of training than simple in-class lecture.
The CCS Test Prep® Program is a very focused training course. Chief David A. Paprota, Ed.D. (Ret.) works with students using an online platform for the two weeks leading up to the actual exam. Along with videos and instructional lessons, students have the ability to complete online practice quizzes which are instantly scored and include answer guides to ensure maximum retention and understanding. This focused approach has proven to be far superior to in-class lectures and has produced exceptional results.
Candidates looking to prepare to achieve a top score on the exam should complete the CCS Test Prep® program!
The West Deptford (NJ) Police Department utilizes the NJ Association of Chiefs of Police (NJSACOP) for the written testing which consists of the I/O Solutions (IOS) National Criminal Justice Officer Selection Inventory (NCJOSI) written exam series. This is a very critically scored entry-level exam that has been proven to be very challenging as a competitive instrument. Most candidates take the exam over and over without ever achieving a sufficiently adequate score to be considered in any of the selection processes for which the exam series is utilized.
The West Deptford (NJ) Police Department utilizes the following New Jersey Police Training Commission (PTC) physical agility standards to assess candidates:
Required Exercises
- 300 Meter Run in 70.1 seconds or less;
- 24 Push-ups in 1 minute or less;
- Vertical Jump of 15 inches or more;
- 28 Sit-ups in 1 minute or less; and
- 1.5 Mile Run in 15 minutes and 55 seconds or less.
Since the above minimum standards are required for participation in a New Jersey basic police academy, most police departments have implemented this testing as part of their selection process.
The most common deficiencies identified during the physical testing tend to be in the area of sit-ups and push-ups (in that order). Not because the standards are too high, but actually due to candidates who are otherwise in good shape not realizing the challenge of the perfect form required in a one-time attempt under strict time limitations. In a hiring process, there are no do-overs. When time is called, if the candidate doesn’t have 28 strict form sit-ups and/or 24 strict form push-ups completed, he or she “fails” the physical. No candidate should go into the this physical test without specifically training to complete these particular exercises well beyond the standards listed.
The following video is openly available online as produced by the Police Academy Directors Association to assist candidates in preparing for the pre-academy physical agility test. It is highly recommended that candidates review this video to focus on proper form to train/practice in advance of the West Deptford PD physical assessment.
It is highly recommended that candidates focus on these specific exercises as part of a well structured physical training routine. DO NOT assume that because you weight-lift that you are prepared for the push-ups or because you ride a bicycle regularly that you are prepared for the run. As a serious law enforcement candidate, you should maintain top physical shape and conditioning to ensure that you can excel on any physical assessment during the hiring process.
For information regarding the exam preparation services provided by Critical Concepts and Strategies (CCS Test Prep®), please utilize the CONTACT FORM below to submit an inquiry.
Unless otherwise indicated, you will be added to the CCS Test Prep® email list to receive updates from Chief David A. Paprota, Ed.D. (Ret.) regarding New Jersey entry-level testing.