Entry-Level Exam Preparation – CCS Test Prep®
You have been referred to CCS Test Prep® by JHarris Academy of Police Training for the best entry-level law enforcement exam preparation available.
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I/O Solutions (IOS) “Chief’s Exam” (NCJOSI v2, NGLE, and LST) – For information on exam preparation for an upcoming entry-level exam, please complete and submit the below contact form.
Chief David A. Paprota, Ed.D. (Ret.) of CCS Test Prep® offers the most comprehensive and effective exam preparation for the NCJOSI-v2, NGLE, or LST by I/O Solutions. These are the most common exams used for “chief’s testing” and “alternate route programs.” The NCJOSI-v2 and the LST are the most critically scored exams used for entry-level law enforcement. Candidates greatly benefit from excellent exam preparation. If you are going to be sitting for a different exam than the IOS NCJOSI-v2, NGLE, or the LST, please specify which exam (e.g., PSI LEAB) and for what jurisdiction in the “message” field below. The dedicated members of the staff at CCS look forward to helping you reach your career goals and aspirations!
Chief David A. Paprota, Ed.D., (Ret.) will personally reply to your inquiry.